Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

Facebook Threatens Spammers Providers 'Likes'

Credit : Havecamerawilltravel.com
Facebook efforts in the fight against spammers activity entered a new phase. If malicious activity is still done, Facebook will not hesitate to drag the perpetrators to justice. How is that spam activity? One of them, for example by providing services 'likes' fake.
Activity spam has become a major PR for Facebook and other social media. Such activities as deemed automatically appear when it will benefit. Activity for its own facebook 'like' false and other spammers could harm the business climate that occurred in their network.
To eradicate it, Facebook regularly conduct quality improvement system, whether it is done manually or automatically. By using this method, claiming facebook can trace suspicious activities in social networking. Activity including registration of new members, the addition of social networking to the activities of 'likes'. While today, Facebook confirmed that it was focused to trace the activity of 'likes' fake.
"Businesses will not receive the results they expect and will probably be in vain when they move on facebook and interact with those who are not real.'s Our main concern, to ensure that they perform authentic interaction," said Facebook in a statement .
Facebook said, the spammers are usually creating false accounts or in other cases they paved the real account to get 'likes' a lot more. "Since this activity leads to the motive of business, we will devote all our energies to eradicate it," he added.
Facebook promised that they will continue to fight against the spammers. Facebook users also continue to be reminded to be wary of invitations to give 'likes' on certain pages. Sometimes, they also attach a video or create a controversial title, or offer add-on modifies the user profile page views.
The fight against spammers is almost taken by the entire company based websites. Facebook is not the first company 'that reduce the activity of spam in the network.
Posted by: Yusan International News Updated at: 06.09

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