Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

Smart protesters in hongkong

Large demonstrations demanding the implementation of a transparent and fair democratic struck Hong Kong in the past two weeks. If you read a number of articles of the Western press about the pro-democracy protests that were taking place, you may find some news that describes, in a tone that might sound like a shocked or surprised, about how clean and orderly the demonstration.
It has made a number of observers, including some journalists who write the news, stating that the regularity shows characteristics unique culture that is worthy of praise from Hong Kong residents, which they describe as a more responsible and peaceful than the protesters in different parts of the another world.
Meanwhile, a number of other observers argue that such media coverage smelling racist, either because it seemed to lead to stereotypes about the good and orderly behavior of the Chinese people or because it implies that non-Chinese protesters more violent.
The New York Times, for example, create a report with the title "Hong Kong Protest Without
Leader, but the tongue. "BBC makes the title" Things Only Happen in Protest in Hong Kong. "The BBC report said (with photos) that, as he marched, the demonstrators Hong Kong is also working on school work or college, apologizing through a number of posters to residents for having close access to public transportation, using umbrellas to defend themselves, even care about body odor fellow protesters by offering fragrances, clothing for free.
Related to such reports, Max Fisher in his article in Vox.com, Thursday (10/02/2014), asking the reader to see, with more nuance, the things that happen on the streets of Hong Kong today and why it occur. He highlights two things.
First, the protesters make a deliberate effort and political orientation in order to maintain order, and it is indeed newsworthy. According to Fisher, it is true that Hong Kong protesters have been trying hard to maintain the cleanliness and decency. Cleaning crew assigned, and organized garbage collection. When rain fell recently, the protesters an umbrella for a few moments before the police have been cracking down on them. It was a deliberate, strategic choice in line with the political objectives of the protesters, as well as a sincere expression of communal pride.
Fisher asserted that the action was intended to show the movements of civil society that are responsible and fight against the charges, which have been put forward by the Chinese Government's official media that the protesters are driven by criminals or are actively attempting to disrupt order.
The charges were very dangerous, not only can it be used to undermine support for the protesters, but also can be used to justify violence, such as the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, a possibility that can be anticipated the protesters.
The protesters understand that one way to prevent it is to be clearly demonstrated, they are responsible for maintaining public order, and they are not criminals.
For journalists, it is appropriate to report the incident as journalism. Furthermore, the observers who support the protesters would be welcomed news of this kind, which is actively invested by the protesters with good reason.
Secondly, the practice of such demonstrations not only in Hong Kong. This, says Fisher, is a very important fact to be understood. However, the protesters Hong Kong is not the first in the history of this sort of protest. Among other similar activities occurred during a demonstration in Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, in 2011; in Taksim Gezi Park, Istanbul, in 2013; as well as in Ferguson, Missouri, USA, at the beginning of this year. In all cases, it is done for the same purpose.
However, Fisher lamented a number of writers who focus on issues concerning China, the majority considered the most talented in international journalism because it has been explicitly written that the practice is considered unique to the demonstrators Hong Kong.
According to Fisher, it is actually wrong. It is a weakness of journalists with a specialization in a particular area so that they lose their global context. Even worse, he said, the authors of the report described it as a feature of citizens of Hong Kong culture praiseworthy. Stereotypes, although positive, still stereotypes. In the American context, cleanliness and obedience characteristic is often considered a positive stereotype Chinese people as a minority, which is actually degrading and racist.
Fisher would like to say that the news of Hong Kong protesters who tried hard to maintain a clean atmosphere and the atmosphere of mutual respect rather than irresponsible or a racist thing. However, it is indeed a part of their political strategy and newsworthy. However, it is possible, and too easy, report this in a way that perpetuates harmful stereotypes and harm the demonstrators by debasing their actions merely because it is related to race or culture.
Posted by: Yusan International News Updated at: 06.13

Facebook Threatens Spammers Providers 'Likes'

Credit : Havecamerawilltravel.com
Facebook efforts in the fight against spammers activity entered a new phase. If malicious activity is still done, Facebook will not hesitate to drag the perpetrators to justice. How is that spam activity? One of them, for example by providing services 'likes' fake.
Activity spam has become a major PR for Facebook and other social media. Such activities as deemed automatically appear when it will benefit. Activity for its own facebook 'like' false and other spammers could harm the business climate that occurred in their network.
To eradicate it, Facebook regularly conduct quality improvement system, whether it is done manually or automatically. By using this method, claiming facebook can trace suspicious activities in social networking. Activity including registration of new members, the addition of social networking to the activities of 'likes'. While today, Facebook confirmed that it was focused to trace the activity of 'likes' fake.
"Businesses will not receive the results they expect and will probably be in vain when they move on facebook and interact with those who are not real.'s Our main concern, to ensure that they perform authentic interaction," said Facebook in a statement .
Facebook said, the spammers are usually creating false accounts or in other cases they paved the real account to get 'likes' a lot more. "Since this activity leads to the motive of business, we will devote all our energies to eradicate it," he added.
Facebook promised that they will continue to fight against the spammers. Facebook users also continue to be reminded to be wary of invitations to give 'likes' on certain pages. Sometimes, they also attach a video or create a controversial title, or offer add-on modifies the user profile page views.
The fight against spammers is almost taken by the entire company based websites. Facebook is not the first company 'that reduce the activity of spam in the network.
Posted by: Yusan International News Updated at: 06.09

Post-Loss Mass grave found in Mexico Dozens of Students

Mexican police had found a mass grave in the Pueblo area Viajo, Iguala, Mexico on Saturday. In this place, 43 students were missing on Sept. 26 after a protest turned violent.
As for the number of bodies and their identity is still unknown. Local police are still conducting an investigation so that the identification has not been made ​​public. The investigation has not come to a conclusion who the mastermind behind the events of it.
At the location of the mass graves, the police forbade human rights activists and journalists to get to the scene. The reason, in order not to obstruct the process of investigation.
As for last week, clashes and violence in this place. Police rounded up demonstrators, killing six people. While other students reportedly taken by a police car. Over the incident, 22 police officers have been arrested.
Chief Prosecutor Tomas Zeron also immediately sent a team of investigators. In a press conference, Zeron said it had issued arrest warrants for Jose Luis Albarca Iguala Mayor and city security chief.
Authorities suspect that the incident was connected between the police and drug cartels. Mexico has a major concern about the extent to which the police had been infiltrated by drug cartels.
On the findings of the cemetery area, the local authority was concerned if it turned out to be a mass grave containing the bodies of the missing students.
This incident became the most serious cases in Mexico since widespread war between drug cartels group in 2006.
Posted by: Yusan International News Updated at: 06.05